开始刷 SPOJ…… - 哆啦比猫的技术瞎扯 - Arch Linux · ドラえもん · 实时绘制

开始刷 SPOJ……

哆啦比猫 posted @ 2012年4月01日 18:28 in OI with tags spoj OI , 3399 阅读

SPhere Online Judge

这个OJ支持好多语言,Python3、Bash、Awk……甚至 Brainf**k 都支持!


Life, the Universe, and Everything

Your program is to use the brute-force approach in order to find the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. More precisely... rewrite small numbers from input to output. Stop processing input after reading in the number 42. All numbers at input are integers of one or two digits.



#include <stdio.h>

#define                             A int
#define                       B main
#define                   C (
#define               D )
#define           E {
#define        F }
#define      G while
#define    H ;
#define   I &
#define  J "%d"
#define K ,
#define  L ==
#define   M "\n"
#define    N scanf
#define     O if
#define       P break
#define          Q printf
#define               R return
#define                      S 42
#define                              X

           B C D
           E G C
           1 D E
           A x H
    N      C J K      I
  x D H    O C x    L S D
 P H Q C   J M K   x D H F
X X X X X R 0 H F X X X X X

by Giumo Xavier Clanjor (哆啦比猫/兰威举), 2010-2019.
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