POJ 2136 Vertical Histogram 题解(gcc) - 哆啦比猫的技术瞎扯 - Arch Linux · ドラえもん · 实时绘制

POJ 2136 Vertical Histogram 题解(gcc)

哆啦比猫 posted @ 2011年8月20日 11:24 in OI with tags OI POJ , 2032 阅读


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
	// read
	unsigned short statistic[26] = {0};
	unsigned short max = 0;
	int ch;

	while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF)
		if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') {
			statistic[ch - 'A']++;
			if (statistic[ch - 'A'] > max)
				max = statistic[ch - 'A'];

	// write
	char line[26*2+1];
	while (max) {
		for (ch=0; ch<26; ch++) {
			if (statistic[ch] >= max)
				line[ch*2] = '*';
				line[ch*2] = ' ';
			line[ch*2+1] = ' ';
		ch = 25*2+1;
		while (line[--ch] == ' ') {}
		line[++ch] = 0;
		printf("%s\n", line);
	for (max=0; max<26; max++)
		printf("%c%c", 'A' + max, (max==25 ? '\n' : ' '));

	return 0;

by Giumo Xavier Clanjor (哆啦比猫/兰威举), 2010-2019.
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